When you book a QA online learning course you will receive immediate access to it through our e-learning platform and you can start to learn straight away, from any compatible device. .net razor developer Access to the online learning platform is valid for one year from the booking date. The goal of this module is to teach the students techniques that run code on the browser.

Attend this CSS course & learn to build accessible & responsive web apps featuring a rich UI that performs across a wide range of Internet-capable devices. HTML and CSS are the fundamental technologies that shape the appearance of web pages. The hypertext markup language HTML allows you to create the layout of any page on the Internet, and the CSS style language in every way transforms the created backbone of the site, bringing life to the HTML structure and making the page attractive and effective. Below is the list of technologies that each high-paid .NET developer knows. In addition to these basic requirements, each company has its own, more specific requirements. However, if you know these basics, then you can easily learn the materials that you will need to work.

Models and Entity Framework

Also, we can not avoid mentioning the individual requirements regarding the knowledge of English at a level that would be sufficient to read documents and comment on the code. First of all, you need to know the programming language C#, because this language, despite the use within the .NET framework and other languages, is still the main one. A consistent object-oriented programming environment was created, aimed at local storage and execution of object code, at local execution of code that is distributed on the Internet, or at remote execution. And finally, you will build an entire Invoice Management System, including user accounts, and roles, authentication, and deployment to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

Git, advanced, training, course, understanding, concepts, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending, Git, advanced, training, course, configuration, functionality, basics, recommended, attending. The Git basics training course provides a comprehensive understanding of basic Git concepts and looks at the different ways Git can be used and implemented. This ASP.NET Web Forms course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to build dynamic web applications with ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2013. In this advanced C# Programming course, learn how to streamline data-centric applications with C# extended features including LINQ & the Entity Framework. 16, React 16, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, Reak, Reduex, Javascrip library, Fcebook, HTML, web apps, User Interface, Uis, archetectural patterns, client-side app functionality. React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality, React, Redux, JavaScript library, Facebook, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, architectural patterns, client-side application functionality.

Testing and Patterns for Development

MVC applications are well suited to unit testing techniques and these techniques ensure a high quality of code by systematically testing the functionality of each small component. In addition the debugging tools and exception handling available in Visual Studio will be explained. The goal of this module is to describe the role of Views in an MVC web application and enable users to create and code them.

Attend this hands-on React 16 course & learn to build an application & create high-performance user Interfaces with JSX components. Since web development is very popular and in-demand today, we have also added to the list the .NET tools that are used during the creation of corresponding web server solutions. However, among all the items the most important is the knowledge of the C# language – every .NET programmer is required to master it at a high level. For more than ten years C# has been at the top of the ratings of programming languages. According to Indeed statistics, the salary of .NET developers in the USA can range from $5000 to $11000 per month.

Got a project?Let’s talk

Students will also see how to write such a service and call it from a web application or from other applications, such as a mobile device app. The goal of this module is to enable the students to build applications that are stable and reliable. Such applications are not vulnerable to common hacking techniques such as cross-site scripting and also store state information such as the contents of a shopping cart and user preferences. This state information is preserved when servers or browsers restart, connections are lost, and other connectivity issues occur. The goal of this module is to enable students to increase the resilience and quality of an application by locating and correcting code errors, bugs, and other unexpected results.

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