pro forma

In business, pro forma has some special meanings; a pro forma invoice, for example, will list all the items being sent but, unlike a true invoice, won’t be an actual bill. Taking an online course like Financial Accounting can help you understand how to create and interpret different kinds of financial statements so you can find meaning in them. Learners enrolled in the course learn the language of accounting and how to create financial statements and forecasts to make strategic decisions.

pro forma

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What Is Pro Forma?

Later, after the project is completed, the cash flow statement might assume increased payments from customers. Pro forma financial statements project how a company might perform in the future if the business takes an assumed course of action. Billdu’s proforma invoice maker has several sections that are very quick and easy to fill out. You can even choose custom colors and upload your logo or brand photos to make it look more professional.

Some businesses choose to use Excel or Word to create their proforma invoices, but this is extremely time-consuming. You have to work out the totals and add the tax, and this increases the risk for making mistakes. This is especially true if you deal with international shipments and different currencies.This is why it makes sense to use a proforma invoice generator and a software suite like Billdu. The percent of a sales forecasting method, for example, involves determining future expected sales and finding trends across accounts in statements. A sales quote is prepared in the form of a pro forma invoice, which is different from a commercial invoice. The content of a pro forma invoice is almost identical to a commercial invoice and is usually considered a binding agreement, but because a pro forma invoice is not a legally-binding document, the price may change in advance of the final sale.


Sometimes, pro forma financial statements are simply altered or restated actual financial statements to show the impact of one-off financial decisions. This projection looks backward (at one or more years) at another company’s financial statements. Using this combination, the projections shows how they would have done together. This type of projection could be shorter term (from the beginning of the current fiscal year). Use this free template to create your own historical with acquisition pro forma documents. Accountants who prepare companies’ pro forma financial statements are bound by certain requirements, as per the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)’s Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARSs).

pro forma

Regular income statements, sometimes called statement of financial performance, are exacting, in that they reflect the exact income figures your company had in past years. The pro forma income statements considers past data, but its projections reflect the addition or subtraction of events or things. In creating your pro forma documents, it is advisable to create multiple sets with different scenarios, especially when their purpose is to help make decisions. In this way, your management team (or C-suite) has all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Pro Forma 101

Pro forma EPS are calculated in the pro forma income statement, but the figure is also used in the pro forma balance sheet and the pro forma cash flow statement, when necessary. According to the SEC, when the dividends from stock exceed or are planned to exceed the current earnings, the EPS must be calculated. The SEC assumes that that proceeds from any additional shares will be used to fund dividends. Used to show company results to investors, pro forma financial statements are often combined with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) adjusted statements. Pro forma financial statements are not computed using GAAP and are often called non-GAAP.

A pro forma financial statement leverages hypothetical data or assumptions about future values to project performance over a period that hasn’t yet occurred. Here’s a closer look at what pro forma financial statements are, how they’re created, and why they’re a key aspect of financial decision-making. A pro forma income statement uses the pro forma calculation method, mainly to draw the attention of potential investors to specific numbers when a company issues its quarterly earnings announcement. Pro forma financial statements might show the expected impact of any projects in the pipeline.

Other individual line items can also be easily forecasted, such as the cost of goods sold, since it can be assumed it will proportionally grow with sales. Line items like income tax expense, on the other hand, typically don’t change directly with sales. Stable businesses can generally estimate income tax expense as a percentage of income before taxes. Simply, a “pro forma invoice” is a “confirmed purchase order” where buyer and supplier agree on detail and cost of the product to be shipped to the buyer.

There are no specific requirements regarding the structure of a proforma invoice. But it’s both easier and safer to have it resemble as closely as possible the structure of the finalised invoices you create. A quotation is sent to a potential customer who has expressed interest in buying from your business. It’s considerably less formal than a proforma invoice and is usually sent during the early stages of the sale when the customer initially enquires about your prices. What differentiates the two, however, is that a proforma invoice’s terms of sale can still be changed. In trade transactions, a invoice is a document that states a commitment from the seller to sell goods to the buyer at specified prices and terms.


The pro forma financial information should be presented in columns and show the condensed historical amounts, the pro forma adjustments, and the pro forma amounts. GAAP-conforming financial statements must be included with pro forma submissions. Simply put, pro forma financial statements are financial reports that are created on hypothetical assumptions.

pro forma

A pro forma invoice is generally raised when the seller is ready for dispatching the material but they want to ensure that the payment is being sent before dispatch. And similarly, the customer also wants to know which components are included in the pro forma invoice to avoid disagreements later. A pro forma invoice is a preliminary bill of sale sent to a buyer in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods.

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